Top 6 Reasons Progressive Web App Will Be The Future Of Apps
Progressive web apps are the new hot topic in the web development community. In the past, we’ve seen separate web development for desktop and mobile. Responsive web design was created over time. While native apps are still in use, there is no way they will disappear over time. The popularity of PWAs is mainly due to solving problems that persist in native applications and responsive web design.
Progressive web app
Seamless access for users
A progressive web application will be a trend in the mobile environment. Unlike a native mobile app, a PWA does not require any download or installation. First, you need to search the marketplace, download it, and allow permission to use your contact information or access media files. However, in the case of PWA, a customer can search your website through Google and immediately access the PWA without any downloading or waiting. It will also help users to use it anytime without having to pay extra for data download charges. Additionally, users don’t need to uninstall the app to free up space on their mobile.
Offline access to content
An app working offline may be surprising to many of you, but PWA is all about accessing content offline. Service workers, which are the core of a progressive web application, work in the background even when the website is not accessible. It helps the app to work offline, send push notifications along with loading content in the background and run processes based on program logic. Servicers use cache and collection APIs to quickly load your PWA.
User engagement is higher
You may have come across many websites that show you a dialog box with an Enable and Disable button. Click the enable button to get updates from the site while you’re away. The main advantage is that you can add a website to the homepage with just one click. Similarly, in PWA, the add links feature will allow you to cache the app and you will be able to access the app directly from the home screen.
Easier fine tuning
The advantage of developing a progressive web app instead of a native app is that you don’t have to contact the app store to make improvements. Unlike a native app, you have to notify the app store about modifications and updates to fix bugs and errors. Updates and modifications may take a week or more to deploy.
PWAs are more secure
Cyber threats are always top of mind for web and app developers. Websites are now programmed in HTTPs and it is easy to run a progressive web application in a secure environment. They can feel safe and have peace of mind when entering personal information into a PWA, such as credit card information or contact information.
PWA speed
Progressive web applications are highly reliable and efficient when it comes to speed. Java Scripts and Service Workers run separately from the main web thread. This allows the PWA to load instantly no matter how slow your internet speed is. The ability to cache information in the app and browser allows PWAs to work faster.
Progressive web application is undoubtedly the future of web development. In the future, e-commerce websites, restaurants and media sources will move from native app to progressive web app. However, still in the early stages, many developers would be actively looking for ways to make the most of the opportunities that PWAs offer.