Grand Square Hotel

Find Hotels and make your trip easy.

Grand Square Hotel


Grand Square Hotel is a great tool for finding the best housing and offers the best deals in booking rooms. The app decreases the task of manual booking of the hotels which usually takes up to an hour. Users can choose from the list of hotels and can also get occasional offers.


During studying project requirements our crew of mobile app developers faced some challenges during the early stage of the project. The challenges are: Designing a smooth UI/UX with easy navigation flow. Making a list of beloved hotels, check historical, current and future reservations.

Grand Square Hotel - Search


Grand Square Hotel have made travelers life easy. The app allows users to book rooms from anyplace anytime. Users can also search for the near hotels and request for room service. It offers functionality that maximum people are seeing for, and great design and everyday updates. User is now able to book and registration online with this app.

Hotel - Room booking


Grand Square Hotel


Find, hotels, holiday homes, villas, cottages, beach homes, beach rentals, Bungalows, apartments, and other kinds of accommodations.

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