7 Top Reasons To Go For Xamarin App Development

As developers, we all know the possibilities of Xamarin and this blog is specifically for .Net developers who are ready to dive into the mobile world. Since learning platform-native languages ​​like Swift, Java, or Objective C is easy to understand, developers can find it a great language. You can also open Visual Studio settings and start coding your cross-platform application.

Xamarin app development reasons

Native package

In compliance with native code, Xamarin applications always run natively with the help of user interface controls. Since you will get an app developed in native technologies, it will give you a stunning experience in terms of performance. Good application performance is essential for gaming applications. Actions and gesture controls like swiping and scrolling move smoothly and naturally.

Important IDE improvements

Amazing visual update – Visual Studio for MAC and Windows consists of a new welcome screen, many new icons, smooth gestures and touches, and improvised support for Retina displays.

Managed visual studio support

Get enhanced iOS and Android extensions in a single Visual Studio extension. You get improved, well-organized installation and updates for all users, improving the build and debugging experience.


The user gets full support for using NuGet packages in mobile applications which Xamarin offers cross-platform. You can also take advantage of many NuGet packages in Visual Studio for Mac or Windows.

NET BCL documentation

Visual studio offers complete documentation for the .NET base class libraries.

Improvised code sharing

Cross-platform Xamarin offers some great techniques for sharing code for cross-platform apps.

Shared projects

Shared Projects provide a simple approach to code sharing for app developers across platforms. To share code across iOS, Windows, and Android, developers can now use shared projects.

Simplified development environment

Start developing Xamarin apps using Visual Studio on Windows or Mac. macOS is required to develop iOS apps. Although we can use Visual Studio to write code and deploy, you’ll still need a Mac for build and licensing purposes. The same goes for Android apps. To develop Android apps, developers must have Java and the Android SDK installed on their computer. It works as a compiler, emulator and helps in deployment and testing.

Xamarin test cloud

Testing and its services play a vital role in the software development industry. With Xamarin Test Cloud, users can test the application on multiple real devices in the Cloud. Previous tests were run from the command line, but now users have a great user interface and some useful graphs to plot the results.

High native performance

Apps based on Xamarin as a solution can be distributed on Google Play, Microsoft Store or iOS App Store under the same conditions as native apps, as they meet the distribution requirements of all markets. Also, developing cross-platform apps using Xamarin is just writing less code, the number of possible errors is very less.


Now that we know all the reasons developers need to use Xamarin as one of their application development frameworks, let’s quickly check some facts about Xamarin.