UX Comparison: Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Website – What’s Better?
User experience is a well-evolving path to take users throughout the product make them interact with its services. The best UX must be accessible, findable, usable, desirable, valuable, and must have usefulness to users.

User experience
Once you develop a web or app the first thing you must consider is the type of business you are creating the web or app. The better UX attracts the users and makes them return again and again to your web or app. To make it very successful with your customer there must be a good path to make the users intact. Customers must have an interaction with your products that you hosted in your app or web.
Mobile app vs mobile website
- Once you get to understand the difference between mobile apps and mobile websites, you can be familiar with a better user experience.
- A mobile website is a resized for of website as you see on the computer screen with is been adjusted to fit your mobile screen. Web sites contain a number of webpages that are interlinked together. A mobile website can be accessed with help of a web browser.
- Meanwhile, the mobile app differs from the websites the app process of development is different and it has its own platform. So the app provides an easy way to interfere with your business once the users have it.

Mobile website UX
- In the web UX, you can add a large number of stuff in it as it doesn’t affect the performance of your page.
- In this, you can use various things like hover images, text, cursor animation, etc.
- It provides the user to use your landscape mode as it can make the container look traditional format and a lot of flexibility to your UI design.
- The web can be customized according to the user’s browser.

Mobile app UX
- One of the most considering things in mobile app UX is it provides more conventional usage of the product.
- It increases the conversion rate comparing to the browser UX.
- It provides the user with tools and makes them retain your product for a longer duration.
- It is been preferred by users because it provides more adaptability comparing to web UX.

If you have an idea to develop a website or app for your business, it will be a good practice to build a website first then with a mobile app because the UX design for the website is comparatively easier than the user experience design of the mobile app. But in reality, the mobile UX is better than the Mobile web depending upon your business. If your business in an E-commerce mobile user experience can increase consumer usage.