7 Tips To Design The Perfect Mobile App Icon
In the world of mobile development, UI is of prime importance as it converts potential visitors into customers using the right techniques. According to research by eMarketer, more than 84% of total mobile time is spent using mobile apps. This impressive statistic proves that user interface is an integral part of successful business development.
Perfect mobile app icon
What is an application icon?
An app icon visually represents a mobile product that appears on a device’s desktop or in a store. It creates the first impression about the brand. The mobile icon is often confused with the logo, but they are not the same thing. As we have already seen, the icon is focused on the essence of the application, while the logo identifies the company. In many cases, the mobile app icon may contain a brand logo.
Size and format of an icon
When creating icons for Android, pay attention to Material Design, the new design guidelines introduced by Google. It contains a set of rules and principles to help design icons for mobile apps and interfaces more cohesively.
Tips for perfect mobile app icon
Be unique
Apps for iOS and Android and all have their own icons. It helps to differentiate similar apps from each other. If you want your mobile product to be attractive to users, its icon must be unique. How can this be achieved Market research is an important step here. The sound icon should reflect the essence of the application and should be oriented towards the potential user.
Make it simple
The exception to the rule of simplicity are icons for games. They usually combine several elements and even the faces of the main characters. But in any case, icons for games should also be slightly rendered.
Reveal function
Quite convenient is the direction in which the application icon displays the functions of the product itself. This is a technique used by Apple designers; many of their icons demonstrate the main features of the app, making the interface even simpler. If your application’s functionality can be put into a simple picture, use this technique, and do not complicate the task.
Don’t use words or photos
The same goes for words. If your icon contains an image and text, it will be hardly recognizable on mobile devices. At the same time, the text itself in the background is another good direction. This immediately differentiates the application from the competition.
Too much color detail is a bad idea
More colors in an image negatively affects the demand for your product. An overloaded color scheme won’t make an app stand out from the competition. The most effective option is to use three colors. You can combine them with their shades. The simpler the color scheme of the icon, the clearer and more accessible it is to the user.
Signs and letters
The best example is universal and always contains a minimum amount of detail. It is quite common practice for companies to put their brand name in capital letters on the app image. A good icon is one where everything is clear to the user just by looking at the design. You can also use a single symbol that reveals the essence of the brand.
Fit the brand
A brand is the creation of a unique name, symbol and design that differentiates a product from its competitors. It is a marketing strategy aimed at increasing company awareness and sales. Therefore, it is a good experience if the icon design reflects the color scheme of the brand.
Creating app icons is a difficult and lengthy step that needs to be backed up by market research. In this article, we talked about the basic principles of how to design a mobile app icon. Please note that this process varies depending on brand awareness. And with startups, the approach is a little different than with large enterprises.