Cloud-Based Mobile Application Development Technology and NASA Science Datasets
There is a lot of cloud-based Mobile development technology and NASA science datasets are available, but here we are going to discuss a well adopted and very much comprehensive cloud-based platform called AWS – Amazon WEB Services.

AWS-Amplify is a tool-set powered by AWS that enables the front end web and mobile app developer to build a scalable full-stack application in a secure is very easy to develop a customized onboarding, voice-enabled, build AI-powered real-time feed, etc. Its open-source framework and libraries of powerful toolchain enable developers to create the web hosting service for the static web app and to create cloud-based features to your app.
Feature of AWS Amplify
1. It helps to build an Innovative application
With its open-source library, our developers can make use of features like data, auth, Artificial intelligence, and machine learning or analytics to supports the targeted campaigns and real-time chatbots with a less amount of code
2. It quickly configures the back- ends
With its automatic set-up of backends for application, such as Amazon S3/ Amazon Cogniti and provides authentication, API, and Storage powered by AWS. It is well integrated with Android and iOS some popular web application frameworks which provide the personalized backend for our application.
3. Easy deployment and scale
With AWS your application may scale with it to provide better reliability, global availability, and better provides a modification of the AWS services with its consol according to your growth of the business. More features are been available at AWS AMPLIFY.

Amplify – Flutter
With this developer can quickly build an app over flutter with the same programming module that Amplifies Android and iOS provides. This combination provides the quick integration of Analytics, Auth, and Storage for building a full-stack application with experience features including login and signup users, up/downloading files and analytics and tracking, etc.
NASA science datasets
In this let us discuss how they are related and why they are been related to each other.
Public dataset program
In this, there is a huge volume of datasets available for the public and can be accessed free of cost and with help of Amazon EMR clusters, we can analyze it any time. The proccing time are been reduced.
it is an analytical and collaborative platform with a start of art supercomputing, earth modeling, and workflow management. In this many datasets such as NASA remote sensing data, large earth NASA science datasets are been available and users can share modeling algorithms over projects with any among the science community or projects.

Space app challenge
It is an international hackathon to develop an app using NASA’s free and open science datasets for addressing the real-world problems above and over the earth. Now on October 2-4 space app challenges is open.
It is a chance for experience, explore experiment solutions to our universal challenges, more about registration and innovations are available here.

In collaboration with AWS (Amazon Web Service), NASA (National Aeronautical and Space Administration) have an act to explore its High-value science datasets for the space app challenge and it is freely available. The datasets include Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) -NO2, Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) -Vegetation indices (VI), Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD). If you have an idea we provide technical support on application development.