10 Questions To Ask Before Deciding On A Mobile App For Your Business
Since you are reading this article, your company probably already has an online presence or is planning to move your offering into the digital space soon. Most likely, you have created a website that displays your products or services.
Mobile app for your business
1) Do you understand what a mobile app is and how it works?
Previously, only computers were used to visit websites. Back then, it was enough to have a static website that didn’t scale to different screen sizes. Then came mobile with its variety of devices, mouseless navigation and touchscreens, and the old website design proved too restrictive.
2) Is a mobile app the best solution for your business?
A website is sufficient if you simply want to show off your content on different devices. Despite all the advantages of using an app, consider whether its creation suits your business goals.
3) Do you have an online presence and a customer base strong enough to support the use of the app?
By now you’re probably more and more convinced that an application is the way to go, but consider other important factors that will affect the success of your offer. However, if you have already established your company’s presence online, make sure that the website matches the menu and design of the intended application.
4) What is your social media presence?
The mobile space is full of interconnected platforms and channels. Think about how your company uses Facebook, Twitter or Instagram to support day-to-day business activities and how you can turn these channels into marketing tools to promote the app.
5) What do the contestants do?
There are already millions of apps to download. There are probably thousands of people supporting companies in your business sector. It’s always a good idea to check which services you’re competing with. If you’re in a unique niche where similar companies don’t have mobile apps, don’t take that as a sign that you shouldn’t invest in one.
6) What are the app’s goals and audience?
Only with a clear goal can you come up with the right tool and design to make the app successful. Define your audience as early as possible. User personas can help map the mood, behavior, expectations, and concerns of your target audience and ideal customer, influencing your app’s features and overall design.
7) What is the unique value of the application?
It’s tempting to guess what customer needs are, but instead of limiting your findings to brainstorming results, go out and ask people about their pain points. Only an app that is a necessity, rather than a nice little add-on that users will forget about in five minutes, has a chance to succeed.
8) Is there a market for this app?
The questions asked so far led us to: Does your application have a chance to succeed in a sea of other, often very similar, programs? Have you managed to define a large enough target group that uses mobile devices on a daily basis, with clearly defined needs and problems that you can effectively and uniquely solve?
9) Can you afford it?
The amount you spend depends only on your requirements. In that case, prices range from a few thousand to a hundred thousand dollars, depending on how complex the product is. The final price is influenced by the features added, the complexity of the custom design as well as developer fees, their expertise and whether the technical team is based on or offshore.
10) Are you ready to apply?
If the decision has been made and you are going to invest your funds in app development, here are a few more questions to consider before starting a rough draft:
Which platform should you use?
The answer is not easy. All platforms have pros and cons, and it’s hard to say which of the two most popular options you should start with. Android has a larger market share, but Apple’s store is at the forefront of app revenue.
What is the scope of the application?
Carefully consider a bunch of necessary functions. An app doesn’t have to do everything it’s built around certain features, and facilitating them defines the scope of your program.
Creating a mobile app is not a project to be taken lightly. Developing a unique, marketable idea takes time and resources and a lot of thought put into the design.