10 UX Design Trends For E-commerce Online Store In 2023
In 2022, eCommerce organizations are looking at bolder strategies to entice buyers and convert browsers into purchasers. As a result, UX design trends for eCommerce is assuming greater significance as businesses strive to provide an engaging, convenient, and satisfying online shopping experience to customers.
UX design trends for e-commerce
Designing for voice-activated AI shopping assistants
Many eCommerce players are already offering voice-activated shopping assistants to their customers. This also provides UI UX designers with an opportunity to create more engaging and intuitive designs for voice-activated shopping experiences. Designers need to focus on creating menus that are easy to navigate and understand and investing in voice search optimization early on in the design process.
Customizable shopping experiences
UI UX designers need to focus on creating designs that allow for a high degree of personalization. This could mean providing different layouts or templates for customers to choose from or allowing for more control over the look and feel of the shopping interface.
Augmented reality shopping
As an eCommerce player, you need to make sure that your website is ready for AR shopping. This means having images of products that are high quality, and that can be rendered in AR. You also need to have an easy-to-use AR shopping portal that will allow customers to browse and purchase products.
Smart content loads
This means that your website needs to be optimized for different screen sizes and resolutions. Additionally, the website also needs to load quickly, even on low-bandwidth networks. UI UX designers will need to leverage smart content loads to their full potential. Designing pages that are easy to navigate and load quickly, even on low-resolution devices.
Using social proof
Social proof will be a critical factor in influencing customer decisions. E-commerce businesses must focus on building trust with their customers by showcasing customer testimonials, positive reviews, and other forms of social proof, especially on mobile apps. To create an effective social proof strategy, businesses need to understand their customers’ values.
Chatbots can answer customer queries, provide product recommendations, and even process orders. Chatbots can even detect customer sentiment and provide insights into what is working best for customers, which roadblocks they come across the most, the most engaging touchpoints in the customer journey, and so on.
Experimenting boldly with add-to-cart buttons
Designers will continue to use new and innovative ways to increase the conversion rate of add-to-cart buttons. This could involve using unconventional colors or shapes for the buttons or even incorporating more interactive elements into them.
Guest checkout pages
If your business strategy does not particularly revolve around customers making accounts on the ecommerce website, then guest checkout pages make a lot of sense for you. They might reduce the customer retention rate, but guest checkout pages can accelerate the checkout processes and prevent the fatigue of account creation that online shoppers often face.
Seamless checkout process
The number one customer satisfaction strategy for eCommerce businesses is to provide faster checkouts to customers. A streamlined checkout process can be the differentiating factor that helps eCommerce businesses convert more browsers into buyers. This could involve a one-page checkout process, auto-filling customer information, and pre-populating shipping information.
Micro-animations are a great way to add engaging elements to your website without cluttering it up. They are small animations that usually last for no more than two seconds.
There are many strategies for driving customer engagement and conversion rates in eCommerce. But it all starts with understanding how your customers think at different stages of the buying process or lead funnel.