What Is Angular Framework?
Angular is an open-source JavaScript framework written in TypeScript. It is managed by Google and its primary purpose is to web developers single page applications. Angular framework has clear advantages while providing developers with a standard structure to work with. It allows users to build large applications in a sustainable way.
Angular framework
Why do you need a framework?
Frameworks generally increase the efficiency and performance of web development by providing a consistent structure so don’t have to rebuild code from scratch.
Angular framework features
Document object model
The Document Object Model treats an web development XML or HTML document as a tree structure in which each node represents a part of the document. Consider that ten updates have been made to the same HTML page. Instead of updating those that have already been updated, Angular updates the entire HTML tag tree.
TypeScript defines a set of types for JavaScript, which helps users write JavaScript code that is more understandable. All TypeScript code is compiled with JavaScript and can run smoothly on any platform. TypeScript is not required to develop Angular applications.

Data binding
Data binding is the process that allows users to manipulate elements of a web page through a web browser. Data bindings are used on websites that contain interactive components such as calculators, tutorials, forums and games. It also allows for better incremental display of a web page when the page contains a large amount of data. The state of the model reflects any changes made to the corresponding UI elements.
The Jasmine framework provides several features for writing different kinds of test cases. Karma is a task-runner for tests that uses a configuration file to set up startup, reporters, and the test framework. You can also expand your knowledge of Angular by taking the Angular Certification Training course and learn concepts like TypeScript, Bootstrap Grid System, Dependency Injection, SPA, Forms, Pipes, Promises, Observables, and Angular class testing.
Angular architecture
An Angular application has a root module called AppModule that provides the loading mechanism for running the application.
An Angular template combines Angular tags with HTML to modify HTML elements before they are displayed.
Event binding: Allows your application to respond to user input in the target environment by updating your application’s data.
Property binding: Allows users to interpolate values that are calculated from your application’s data into HTML.
The metadata tells Angular how to process the class. It is used to decorate a class so that it can configure the expected behavior of the class.
When you have data or logic that is not associated with a view but needs to be shared between components, a service class is created.
There are many reasons why businesses love Angular for building large-scale, non-trivial applications, and each organization will have a slightly different set of reasons why the framework is so effective for their teams.