Fundamentals of Web Application Architecture

The web application architecture contains many components and exterior applications. To have better quality and outstanding application which completed to changed frontend and backend methods. A web application is a normal computer application, web application works over the internet. As everybody is on the web these days, most developers are looking to advantage from web apps and attract as many users as possible via opportune offerings.

What is Web Application?

It is a client-server computer program anywhere the user runs on the browser that contains the user interface and client-side logic. This web application has ordinary webmail, online trade, and online auction.

Components of Web Application Architecture

Web Application Architectures contains various components that are segregated into two categories of components – user interface app components and fundamental components.

User Interface App Components

This is an orientation to the web pages that have a role that is connected to the display, settings, and alignments. It is associated with the interface/experience, rather than the improvement, and consequently, it deals with display consoles, configuration settings, notifications, and logs, etc.

User Interface Web Component

Structural Components

The structural components of a web application essentially refer to the functionality of the web application with which a user interrelates, the control and the database storage. In other words, it has got additional to do with the structural features of the architecture, as the name proposes. 

Component Models of Web Application

One Web Server, One Database

It is the simplest as well as the minimum consistent web app component model. Such a model customs a single server as well as a single database. A web application develops on such a model will go slow as soon as the server goes down. Hence, it isn’t much consistent.

Multiple Web Server, One Database

In this type, the server does not save any data in the database. When the client comes in the data to the web server, it will process the similar data and then inscribes it to the database that is kept outside of the server. In this method two servers used in the component model. in case one web server goes down another server will take over the control immediately. All the requirements will be redirected automatically to the new server and the web app will remain execution. Hence consistency is better equated to a single database model. 

Multiple Databases, Multiple Web Server

It is the most effective web application architecture model for neither the webservers nor the databases have a single point of disappointment. There are two choices for this type of model. Either to save identical data in all the working databases or allot it evenly among them.

How Does It Work?

With any distinctive web application, there are two different encryptions (sub-programs) running side-by-side. These are:

          – Client-side Code 

          – Server-side Code 


When creating an app, web developers decide what code is used for the server about what code is used on the browser. Server-side languages are:

Any code that can reply to HTTP requests that can be run on a server. Client-side languages are:

A grouping of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is used to create the client-side code. This code is analyzed by the web browser. Unlike the server-side code, client-side code can be seen as well as altered by the user. It responds to the user request. The client-side code connects only via HTTP requests and is not able to read files of a server directly.

Types of Web Server Architecture

Node.Js Web Application Architecture

Node.js framework is progressively increasing due to its effectiveness in the development process. This web application framework architecture could deal with different requirements regarding design and structure. Node.js is Java-based web architecture with the different frontend technological elements that shorten the work of web developers. Web developers maintain the frontend services also backend services. Web application architecture designs source code distribution and reusability, basic knowledge-exchange that assurance reliability and diversity in the available tools. 

PHP Web Application Architecture

PHP The tools and topographies offered by PHP frameworks allow for less code and assurance of strong protection, prompt development, simple operation, and enhanced support from the developer community.

Python Web Application Architecture

Python features compressed, legible, and supporting code. Python contributes to the improved web application speed and is exempt from app conservation. Additionally, it is extremely supple and well-integrated with other languages.

Python Web Application Architecture

Ruby on Rails Web Application Architecture

Ruby on Rails Web Application Development is well-known as the comparatively simple framework to apply. This model offers services for web design. The main goal line to reach efficiency is to the ability to remember that convention always goes before conformation. It delivers developers with good speed settings for finishing specific tasks.

Angular Js Web Application Architecture

Angular js is a framework that carries a variety of advantages, with UX with the lazy charging effect added to minimalize code size.

Java Web Application Architecture

It has typically been a beloved in the early development environment due to its flexibility. Currently, Java is the undoubted top-player among the most favored programming languages. The complex of a web application architecture completely depends on the requirements of the chosen solution. Whether it’s a simple, educational web application or a robust, multi-tiered web application, Java Web Application Architecture technologies can help achieve successful results.

Laravel Web Development

Laravel is a PHP web development framework that uses on the model view supervisor architectural design and has at its core syntax that is sensitive, creative and sophisticated. It offers a simplified web development process from side to side better routing, sessions, verification, and caching; as a result, it takes smaller time for completing projects.

Cloud-Based Web Application Architecture

The migration to the cloud is more of an imperative than a select, mainly as a result of the benefits across all limitations. Subsequently, cloud-based web application architecture has been established, this has resulted in the creation of a corollary – the decoupling of data. In other words, cloud-based apps function and store information on local servers and the cloud.

Types of Web Application Architecture

          – Single-page applications

          – Microservices

          – Serverless architecture


The web applications are evolving incessantly like the internet. The first web application architecture was web 2.0. The latest web application architecture was web 3.0 which increased a lot of users. The model and type of web application development architecture describe the toughness, sensitivity, security and several more features.