The Rise Of User Centered Web Design

User centered web design is exactly what it sounds like, but instead of just some processes focusing on the user, every part of the development process considers the user. Even from the very first, initial phases of design, the user is at the center of the process. The designer considers a user’s needs even above the needs of the business.

User centered web design

Focusing designers

Anyone who has ever started a web design project understands the initial grueling phases of the process. Ideas are bounced back and forth between designer and client until an overall concept is hashed out.

Saving time

The process for UCD is very straightforward. At the center is the user persona a made-up person who resembles the target audience. In a circle around that user is the process, which includes strategy, research, analysis, design and production. The UCD framework allows the user to come up with solid design concepts and move ahead without the delays of traditional design.

Making redesign easier

Over time, you may want to add functions or features to your website. When you take a user-first approach, you should already know what works well for your users and what is familiar to them that needs to be kept in the redesign. Instead of starting from scratch, you can start from where you are and build on it, which saves time, effort and money.

Understanding problems better

Measure the success or failure of your product by how usable it is to people and whether it satisfies a need they have without complex processes they don’t want to be bothered with. UCD forces you to focus on solving problems for your site visitors.

Creating effective designs

Any good designer can come up with a beautiful web design, but considering user experience creates a design that works for the end user and allows you to turn site visitors into interested leads.

Thinking outside the box

When you put the user at the core of everything you do, you are also forced to think outside the box. Instead the same old design principles that most companies adhere to, you suddenly begin to look into the future of your company and what needs your customers will have.

Retaining customers

When you put the focus on the customer, the entire experience becomes more personalized. Eighty percent of consumers state they are more likely to do business with companies that offer a more personalized experience.

Staying ahead of the times

The effectiveness of human-first design indicates that this will continue to be a trend in coming years. People today expect to have a fantastic experience both online and in brick-and-mortar stores.


Whether you already use a user-centered approach, or you simply want to add UX elements to your end product, focusing on what your target audience wants benefits your business in a number of ways.