6 Steps To A Professional Website Design

Web design is about creating an interface that communicates functionality, is usable and accessible, and exudes the right emotions and feelings. Effective web design needs all of these elements to align with your site’s goals and align with the site’s organizational goals. Strategic design is about identifying these goals and using them to guide your design.

Professional website design

  1. Set your goals

One of the first things you need to do before starting work on a web design project is to be clear about the goals of your client or organization. If it or you don’t already know, you should discuss and agree on them. Remember that a website is not a work of art; it is an interface that performs a function. This function may be to sell products, provide informational content, entertain, inform or provide access to a service.

  1. Identify your audience

There are many demographics that can influence your design, such as age, gender, profession, and technical ability. A computer games website for a younger audience needs a different style than a serious business journal. Usability should play a bigger role for older and less tech-savvy audiences. Who your audience is will not only affect the overall aesthetic of the site, but will also determine a lot of smaller details like font sizes, so be careful to be clear about who will be using your site.

  1. Determine your market image

Many designers tend to get too inspired by the latest trends and then implement them without first thinking about what image they should really convey. Glossy buttons, gradients, and reflective floors may work for some websites, but may not be right for your brand.

  1. Goal driven design direction

You’ve determined the purpose of your website, set some goals you want to achieve, identified your audience, and determined your brand image. Now you can proceed to its implementation. Streamline the registration process by removing unnecessary and optional elements; people can fill them in later.

  1. Measuring results

This is just as important as the first two steps, because until you test how well your design works, you won’t know if it’s effective in meeting your goals. If your goal is to increase signups to your service, measure it to see if your changes are having a positive impact. If you want to increase the number of subscribers to your blog, check the RSS statistics.

  1. Kaizen

There is a Japanese philosophy called Kaizen that focuses on continuous improvement through small steps. When you work on your website, you should think about Kaizen, because the version you just published is not the final version.


The core of strategic design is simply common sense: you’re making something for a specific purpose, so of course it should fulfill that purpose through its design. But in reality, it’s very easy to lose track of your goals and end up with something that’s beautiful but ultimately doesn’t work in its context.