Top 6 Mobile App Failures And Learnings To Build A Successful App
Software development requires skills and knowledge that are not cheap. You simply cannot expect to create a successful app unless you are prepared to put in the required time, effort and resources. Here, we’ve helped you decipher why these apps failed and what you can learn from their mistakes.
Mobile app failures and learnings
Vine is recognized as a failed social media app due to its inability to create a viable business plan. Each Vine video was referred to as a “vine” and could be played endlessly and integrated into a Twitter timeline or any other website. Vine took off quickly with the arrival of a revolutionary new concept at the time very short GIF videos, but the app didn’t do anything important to respond to market developments.
Yik Yak
Yik Yak was a popular anonymous messaging software for college students because it allowed a private method of connecting with individuals who might be nearby. Yik Yak’s most popular feature has also become its enemy. There have been cases of individuals engaging in cyberbullying in anonymous chat rooms.
The service proved successful in London and the next step in their plan was to take over New York. While the app is still available in Europe, it was a flop in North America, especially The software thought the drivers in New York and London were the same.
It was a great concept to have live auctions to sell rarities, artifacts and fine art. Auctionata attempted to broadcast live events, but was unable to do so due to extremely slow broadband speeds, poor customer service, problems with online payments, and delivery security concerns.
Google wave
Wave was planned as a tool with features such as email, instant messaging, blogging, wiki, multimedia management and document sharing when Google unveiled it. It was designed as a tool to help coworkers communicate and collaborate more effectively. Standalone services like email and instant messaging provided a better experience than Google Wave when used alone.
Quixey sought to help users discover content in other apps on their smartphones or tablets. Alibaba became the app’s biggest investor after investing nearly $80 million, but the firm ended up being the app’s downfall as Quixey underperformed.
The 6 apps mentioned above made mistakes along the way and any app developer can do the same. If you want your product to be successful, it is important to learn from these mistakes and avoid such mobile app failures.